

Moslems verbieten Hunde im Londoner Innenstadtbezirk Tower Hamlets

[...] “Do not walk your dog here! Muslims do not like dogs. This is an Islamic area now.” [...]

A sign posted in Bartlett Park warning dog-walkers to stay out of “Islamic areas” is being investigated by the police after calls from a local MP.
Jim Fitzpatrick alerted Tower Hamlets police to the sign after it was discovered by a resident on Wednesday.
A picture of the sign reads: “Do not walk your dog here! Muslims do not like dogs. This is an Islamic area now.”
In his letter, the MP for Poplar and Limehouse said: “I have no idea whether this was posted by the EDL, Islamists or another organisation. Regardless, this is a highly divisive sign.
“I am writing to request an investigation. I would also like to know what the council is currently doing to prevent signs like this from appearing.”

Ganzer Artikel

Und wieder wird gezeigt das es Menschen gibt die vor nicht zurück schrecken um ihre Hinterweltlergedanken zu verbergen.

Wann beginnt der Dschihad gegen die Moslems?

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