
700 Vergewaltigungen

In den ersten 7 Monaten 2013 über 300 schwedische Kinder und 700 Frauen vergewaltigt 
- von Muslimen!

Cecilia Malmström, the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, does not care about Sweden’s astronomical Muslim rape crimes against children and women in her own country.
Malmström is managing immigration policies and is essentially the one who can grant Muslim immigrants entry into Europe. She has promised more Muslim terrorists and misogynists cloaked as asylum seekers to be admitted into Europe so they can commit more crimes, rapes and murders in her already saturated home country.
Malmström is eager to let women and children be raped and abused in Sweden so she can appear politically correct and pretend to be a humanitarian. Forget about the shocking fact that Sweden today house the second largest volume of rape crimes in the world after Nigeria, all due to Muslim immigrants.

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